All Things Beautiful...Through My Kaleidoscope

Welcome to my page of reflections on the mandala art of Henry Reed. Long ago, I envisioned my writing as viewing life through my looking glass…my kaleidoscope. I love the way the picture changes, with each turn of the scope. Yet, it’s always unique and beautiful. After long enjoying Henry’s mandalas in my daily email, I discovered that, beyond looking at the artwork, I was feeling prompted to write words from my heart regarding what was going on in my life. I began my own daily affirmations, or reflections…and posting them here, beginning in August 2009. ~ Nov. 13, 2011, Henry completed his 7th year -- 2,556 mandala paintings -- thus completing a circle. A new one begins. Hope you'll tune in to watch what develops in this blog space of Henry Reed, SusanGail and ATB ~ It's a journey of intuitive heart.


Note to visitors of All Things Beautiful...

Below you will see my reflections on The Daily Mandala from the archives, beginning with Nov. 13, 2004...progressing gradually onward to Nov. 13, 2007, when Henry concluded his seven-year series. To see the newest mandalas, scroll down the where I first began the reflections in 2009. So, I've a long way to go before I sleep, in these mandala woods, so lovely, dark and deep!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 30, 2010

Driven by the light of the Creator within, my power source, I'm able to navigate through any frustrations or obstacles that turn up in my day. The light is always there...a warm and steadying, healing presence...bringing comfort and wisdom to my heart. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 30, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 29, 2010

At times I feel lost in a space-time continuum, wondering where I'm going, while listening to an echo from the past. The reverberations, rather than being alarming, energize me. I find myself spinning forward, being propelled...perhaps compelled ...back to the future. I like it here. It feels like home. -ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 28, 2010

May the sun shine on my perplexity, as I pause to wonder about this road less traveled...this heart journey I'm embarking on. Which direction do I go? Which avenue shall I take? Who will be there cheering me on? When I enter the arena, where are the balcony people? Who is my support team? Are they there for me? Am I there for them? May I always send blessings to the balcony people in my life. And may I gratefully receive the blessings they shower upon me. - ATB
The Daily Mandala: August 28, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 26, 2010

Fresh as a seersucker shirt on a mid-summer day,
I'm revived with the mystique
of purple mountain mists and aquamarine streams.
I step lightly, as morning flows magically
through blossoming hours
profuse with bright and beautiful creations.
My life seems an open book that anyone can read.
Healing presence is found within its pages.
I rest in the pleasure of a fruitful day.
As evening hues deepen sunset rose,
the coolness of moonlit lavender
tinges my heart with serenity and peace. -

The Daily Mandala: August 26, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 25, 2010

Once I get clarity about my goals and dreams, and sense the joy that comes with the knowing, I feel light as a feather. Yet, I feel strong, with the power of vision on eagles' wings. It's fun to soar high, when I know I can fly. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 25, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 4, 2010

Giving myself the gift of relaxing into my heartsong, my purpose... sinking into its allure via my imagination, my daydreams. E
verything lightens, transforms. In that sacred space,
I'm discovering, creating, coloring my painting...funneling, flowing magical visions of beauty and possibility.

The Daily Mandala: August 4, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 23, 2010

The portal to breakthrough is alive now. Compelled to consciousness, I succumb to the transformative power of multi-layers of life experience. What I thought was complex, now seems so simple. The door is open, I need only walk through it. The window is open, I need only look through it. The Light is visible. Alive now, I walk toward it. The portal, I discover, is me. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 22, 2010

As Above, so Below:
Between Earth and Sky,
Clouds and Sea in Reverie. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 22, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 21, 2010

Creativity is a healing presence that manifests in delightful ways. Sunbursts, heartbursts, starbursts sparkle and pulsate in extraordinary visions and dreams. My life becomes animated from the center of my being. The script plays out on the stage. Each act is serenely spectacular. My story is quietly my own, yet the sharing of it inspires those who are watching. When I am me, others will see. Perhaps they'll remember who they are...the beauty of soul, intended to be. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 21, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 20, 2010

As I go about my day, as I reflect on life's adventures...a beautiful pattern emerges. The more I meet people on this journey of spirit, the more intensely I sense the richness of their influence. Each event, each person, each facet, in retrospect, emits its own tune, which together creates a jeweled symphony. I am ever grateful for the angels who appear, with glowing hearts, on my journey. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 20, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 18, 2010

Each morning, my heart opens to the possibilities of a new day, a new beginning, a new season. The future blends with the past; I go forward with new confidence, facing each adventure as the person I've become. Constantly learning and seeking new knowledge, new insights... I share my discoveries with others on their personal journey. I love to travel with kindred spirits. Together we are lights...reflecting the beauty of our world. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 18, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 17, 2010

Fanning the flame of my creative spirit becomes easier as I remember to focus on my core ideals. Each is a blade, that - with the power of enthusiasm - generates a velocity that transforms my heart...into a lean, green intuitive machine! Through the whirring blades, I see that all is well and beautiful. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 16, 2010

Creator of the color in my life,
today I pick bright sunlight blue
of a turquoise sea.
I paint wild and true.
I paint powerfully free.
Always being me. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 16, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 15, 2010

The power and majesty of amazing grace
illumines me, as I seek its radiance
within my heart.
The reverberations expand my universe,
as a solar wind rushes through the cosmos.
Resounding choirs amplify my spirit
to reflect this beautiful
symphony of light. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 15, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 14, 2010

PERFECTION: All things are beautiful. When I stand back -- and I look at the grand design of my "Star Search" -- I can SEE the perfect pattern that is possible. When I align myself to that vision, that dream...all manner of assistance is available, and downloadable. Keeping my heart open and focused, I feel the wellspring of that design flowing through me. And, I dance...forever and a day. - ATB
The Daily Mandala: August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 13, 2010

Relief floods my heart with peace,
as I flow with the energy of my soul.
The beauty of the harmony expresses itself
in the vision and artistry of my dreams.
I become the rainbow,
singing its colors to the world around me. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 12, 2010

Energized and aligned with my purpose, I enthusiastically show up each day. There's work to be done...that only I can do in my unique and singularly, heartfelt way. When I grasp the truth of this, then the power springs forth. Happily, gratefully, joyfully...I'm on my way. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 11, 2010

Mountains of responsibilities turn into awesome possibilities when I perceive them from that sacred place, the sanctuary of my heart. The circle of my life squares, then, in the balance and harmony of a strong foundation of faith; and I keep on keeping on. - ATB
The Daily Mandala: August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 10, 2010

Summer whimsy paints a beautiful impression..a flirtatious flower, a dazzling butterfly, a scenic garden repose. Nature's wonders' magical blend blurs in the rippling haze of setting sun. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 9, 2010

Opening up to the possibilities of a new day, I aspire to create with childlike fervor, worlds of magic and grace. Healing the wounded warrior within, I embrace the power, strength and light of the beauty that surrounds me. - ATB
The Daily Mandala: August 9, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 7, 2010

Heart opening days are here. Days of expanding circles of influence, networks and connections. There is much to be done, much to share,
as we each of us bring our stories to the table. Creating a better, more beautiful world is up to us; and the time is now to participate with joy in
this global mission of heart-light and love. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 7, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 6, 2010

I don't know why, but cornfields make me cry. The joy, the dream, the abundant theme...their spirit captures my heart. A mid-summer scene...savoring, gleaning, insights for scheming a labyrinthine pattern. Rustling, weaving, creating, greening my yellow brick road...always circling, winding, the way back home. -ATB
The Daily Mandala: August 6, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 5, 2010

Through the complexities and strata of people and events that make up my life, I wonder at times if I'll ever muddle through. During these times, I look to the ever-present framework that upholds and supports me. No matter the challenges, I rest in knowing that, in love and patience, all is well and beautiful. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 5, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 4, 2010

Overwhelm. It can strike without warning. I may not know which way is up or down. What do I do first? What can I sideline? How can I bring the power into focus? The power is there, in the center. When I breathe into it, it sustains me. I can tap into the color of power, of healing, of creativity, of serenity. I know what to do. Be bold. Be me. Be. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 2, 2010

Plumbing the depths of my heart with a little bit of intuitive sonar, I tune in to the heart sounds. Tuning up the tempo of love, light, joy, and beauty of the vibrations, I discover my own heart song. There it is, emitting louder and louder tones of gratitude, peace, and healing grace. Now, I can sing. -- ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 2, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 2, 2010

Sparkling Spirit Splashes me
with joy and frivolity...
thinking of loving connections with friends,
family and extended family
of kindred souls on this life journey.
Beautiful times are these;
heart-light moments of divinity
to cherish always in memory. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 2, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Daily Mandala: August 1, 2010

With an eye to the future, I let go of any past issues of fear, doubt, jealousy, anger, resentment, or lack of faith that might
impede the flow of energy, wisdom and well being into my life. In total forgiveness to myself and others, I replace these stumbling blocks with beautiful stepping stones of power, grace, love, light, joy, harmony, peace and praise. - ATB

The Daily Mandala: August 1, 2010